We want you to know that you all belong here at Gardner. You matter here. You are an integral part of our school and community and we want to do better by all of our students.
Underneath the umbrella of Friends of Gardner, we have created three additional groups for parents - The Black Affinity Group, the Spanish-English Parents Group and the Russian Speaking Parents Group. All three groups offer a small, safe community to foster belonging, and to give parents a space to find other families like their own.
The Black Community Affinity Group
The Black Community Affinity Group was created to support the Gardner Street parents, guardians and caregivers of our beautiful students of African descent. Our goal is to build a safe space to come together to share ideas, concerns and resources that will help facilitate an incredible educational experience for all of our kids. If you’d like to receive community updates, click here to sign up.
The Spanish-English Parents Group
El grupo de padres de familia español-inglés se reúne una vez al mes y tiene reuniones en español (¡y en inglés!). Compartimos información sobre eventos y asuntos escolares y ayudamos con la orientación escolar. El objetivo es que nuestros niños tengan una mayor integración con todos los estudiantes para que ellos y sus padres se sientan informados y bienvenidos.
The Spanish-English Parent Group meets once a month and holds meetings in Spanish (and English!). We share information about school events and matters, and help with school navigation. The goal is for our children is to have greater integration with all students so that they and their parents feel informed and welcomed.
Russian-Speaking Parents Group
Учителя, администрация и родительский комитет школы на Gardner street верят в достоинство и ценность всех своих учеников. Мы стараемся обеспечивать творческую и заботливую атмосферу для академического, социально-эмоционального и технологического роста наших учеников.
Русскоязычная группа родителей создана с целью обеспечения одинаковых возможностей в получении образования и активного участия в общественной жизни наших учеников. Наше внимание сосредоточено на предоставлении высококачественной поддержки в обучении детей, их социализации и участии в жизни сообщества. Мы делимся информацией о мероприятиях в школе и о наших планах на будущее. Родительский комитет открыт для всех родителей и с радостью примет новых членов.
The teachers, administration and parent organization (FOG) of Gardner Street School believe in the dignity and worth of all our students. We strive to provide a creative and nurturing environment for our students to grow academically, socially-emotionally and technologically.
The Russian-language parent group was created to ensure equal opportunities for education and active participation in the social life of our students. Our focus is on providing high-quality support for children's learning, socialization and participation in the community. We share information about events at the school and our plans for the future. FOG is open to all parents and welcomes new members.