Friends of Gardner (FoG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group, that raises money to provide the students of Gardner Street School and its Arts Integration Magnet, with programs that are essential to a rich, well-rounded education. Led by parents and in conjunction with the staff of Gardner, we believe that these enrichment programs are just as important as reading and math - giving kids opportunities for creativity, exercise, self-expression and self-confidence. Funds raised by FoG pays for instructors and materials for music, PE, art, and gardening, as well as our science lab, as these programs are NOT provided by LAUSD.
Friends of Gardner is also a proud partner of the administration, teachers and staff of Gardner. We help to coordinate volunteers and work together to share information, collaborate, improve and create the school we envision for our children.
All Gardner parents are automatic members of Friends of Gardner. If you are one, we hope you can find your people here and join us in raising our kids together at this great little school in West Hollywood.
If you are a sponsor or supporter, please know how much we appreciate you. You are doing good things for the world and we just think you’re the coolest.
To fund our programs, FoG hosts the events below each year to help us reach our goal of $130,000.
-Gardner Give
-Halloween Carnival
-GLOW Dance
-Legendary Bingo
-Family Dinner Nights
-Party Book Events
-Book Fair
-Bake Sales
-Gardner Gear Spiritwear
-Gardner Green
-Valentine Grams
Our largest fundraising event of the year is the Gardner Give Campaign. Start your support by making a pledge to the Gardner Give Campaign any time throughout the year and help us reach 100% participation.
In addition to all of our traditional events, we are also have a fundraising activity called “PARTY BOOK”! If you want to host an event, please click here to learn more and submit a party request form!
To find out more about how you can get involved, join us at one of our monthly FoG meetings in the auditorium. Check the calendar for upcoming dates!
Have an idea you'd like to share or have a question you’d like to ask? Contact us!