In partnership with The Garden School Foundation, Gardner students are achieving our goal of bringing every child an experience with science, nature and healthy food through gardening. In a fast paced world where things are delivered and often pre-made, children are losing the connection and understanding that all we eat and use comes from the earth. Through hands-on experiences in the garden, children will understand the sowing, growing, and harvesting process of whole foods. Children are introduced to delicious fresh snacks and recipes from the garden and will begin to understand the properties of soil, the influence of living organisms on various crops, how to maintain and care for plants, and various benefits of plants on our bodies when consumed as whole, raw foods.
Students spend half to this program taking the freshly grown garden foods into the kitchen and learning to prepare them themselves in delicious and nutritious ways, while our amazing parent community keeps the Gardner garden a beautifully functioning outdoor classroom through volunteering, workdays, and donations.